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14.ABR.2010 | publicado por: javiergcajiao

Infográfico sobre energía mareomotriz

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centrales de energía mareomotriz, de olas, ventajas y desventajas; fuente: Eroski

agua y recursos hídricos


energía y renovables




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05.AGO.2013 / 21h155gpIk7bs

I love the way Luca's hand is all splayed out in the last panel. I know, ltitle things hands are so expressive it's lovely when they're done well. The last panel in particular looks like it may have been extremely difficult to frame well done.Thats not to say the other panels aren't well done either they're all good and throughout the comic I have never, ever, had any confusion as to which panel to read in which order or that panel is so different in quality to the others! Personally, I think whiskers would get in the way of the last panel, unless you drew them in such a way they didn't obscure Luca (and his aaargh! hand) which may be feasible, depending on how much he's snarling.I demand more of Dagre's adorable ears.

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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña