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Horses for (first and main) courses - how do we actually get out of this mess?

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In amongst all the shock, horror and word-play surrounding the horse meat debacle, in the last couple of weeks I've heard three things that have significantly contributed to my personal sense of dismay about the whole horsey palaver. Firstly, a full-page announcement in the weekend paper by Tesco, promising to take care of the whole thing without raising food prices; secondly, government (and others) calling for more testing as a way to prevent it happening again; and thirdly, at the annual City Food Lecture on Monday evening, Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestle, summing up the horse meat scandal as "widespread fraud committed by a few to mislead the many". read more




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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña