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New year, new ideas, new momentum

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Happy New Year? Given the amount of bad news that has been surfacing around the world over the last couple of weeks, I would love to rewind a little. Go back to the simple joyous jumping up and down of my niece and nephews on Christmas morning, or swapping grandiose recipes for turkey curry with friends after too much mulled wine. Impossible of course, and not a very practical solution. Not really in keeping with working at Forum either - many of you will know that we are a very positive, forward thinking bunch.most of the time! So I've been casting an eye over what we've got coming up in the Network and I think we have the perfect antidote to any negativity or underlying Scrooge-like symptoms that might threaten your return to the fray. Through our work we are constantly being exposed to examples of brilliant leadership and great innovations that give you hope, and we are bringing some of these to you over the next couple of months. read more




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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña